
Toy Story 2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D01F3F1C 00??
2Activator 2 P1D01F3F1D 00??
3Dual Activator P1D11F3F1C 00??
4Max Coins810BB10E 0063
5Infinite Lives810BB10A 0005
6Infinite Battery810BB106 000D
7Infinite Double Jumps810BB0FC 0002
8Press Up On Directional Pad To Have All Special Weapons OpenD01F3F1C 0008
810B86E8 001F
9Always Play Level Modifier1D00AC4DE 0000
810AC4DE 00??
10Start On Level Modifier2D10AC4DE 0000
810AC4DE 00??
11SFX Volume Modifier (00-3E)800BB7C4 00??
12Music Volume Modifier (00-3E)800BB7CC 00??
13Press Down For FAKE Max Pizza Tokens In OverworldD01F3F1C 0004
813F9EBE 0063
14Wierd Thing By Buzz810BB10A 00??
15No Jumping810BB0FC 0063

101 - Andy's House
02 - Andy's Neighborhood
03 - Bomb's Away
04 - Constrtuction Yard
05 - Alley's And Gullies
06 - Slime Time
07 - Al's Toy Barn
08 - Al's Space Land
09 - Toy Barn Encounter
0A - Elevator Hop
0B - Al's Penthouse
0C - The Evil Empire Zurg
0D - Airport Infiltration
0E - Tarmac Trouble
0F - Prospector Showdown
10 - Level 16
11 - Level 17
12 - Level 18
13 - Level 19
14 - Level 20
15 - Level 21
16 - Level 22
2Use quantity digits from Always Play Level Modifier.

CodeMaster's Trio1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Robb8, 9, 10
Austin Bryant14, 15