
Top Gear Rally

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Activator 1 P1D031A3E0 00??
2Activator 2 P1D031A3E1 00??
3Dual Activator P1D131A3E0 00??
Point Codes
4Level 1 Points8032431F 0064
5Level 2 Points80324321 0064
6Level 3 Points80324323 0064
7Level 4 Points80324325 0064
8Level 5 Points80324327 0064
9Level 6 Points80324329 0064
10Extra Vehicles (Combined)813243CC FFFF
11Extra Tracks (Combined)813243CE FFFF
Miscellaneous Codes
12Wrong Way Sign Never Appears8028B308 0000
13Wrong Way Sign Is Now "YYWrong Way"8028B308 0001
14Flipside (Drive Outside Car to See)802243AE 0004
15Upside Down (Drive Inside Car to See)802243AE 0064
16Only 1 Lap to Race8031C6DB 0002
17Race Forever8031C6DB 0005
18Win in 1.5 Seconds8031C6DC 0005
19Joker Code18031C6DE 0005
20Start Off In 2nd Place And On Lap 1677721618031C6DC 0009
21Always In 2nd Place Or Last8031C6DF 0009
22Rainbow Mode8028AA96 0001
23Playstation Mode8028AA6B 0000
24Mirror Covered Cars8131D7CA 0001
25View Game Completion Date On Main Screen8131A3E0 000F
26Always Place 1st8131C70E 0000
27No Display8028AA6F 0000
28No Fog (You Can Really Enjoy The Strip-Mine Now)8028AA7B 0000
29Nicer Rear-view-mirror80028AA70 0001
30Special Weather Report - Always Evening8028AA80 0001
31Special Weather Report - Always Snowing8028AA84 0001
32Special Weather Report - Always Raining8028AA8C 0001
33Slow Scenery Speed2802AB828 003C
802AB829 00D1
34Car Speed Modifier3802AB7B1 00FF
35Faster Gear Ratio802AB7C1 00FF
36Change Your Car Into A Monster-Truck802A9ED1 00C0
802A9ED5 0050
37Chrome Colors 1 (30 or 32)8028C319 00??
8028C31A 004E
38Chrome Colors 248128C30A 0000
8128C30E 0000
8028C319 0040
8028C31B 00E4
39Crispy Visuals802ABC3E 0003
40Hard Visuals812ABC46 FF00
Speed Codes For The Most Cars
41TYPE CE8028B355 0000
42TYPE ES8028B399 0054
43TYPE NS8028B3E5 0000
44TYPE RS8028B431 0000
45TYPE SP8028B485 0000
46TYPE PS8028B4C8 0000
47TYPE M38028B51D 00A0
48TYPE IP8028B568 00BC
49TYPE LO8028B5AC 00AF
Camera controlling
50Behind8028AAC1 0070
51Above802A9531 0030
802A9539 0030
52Hack Master's View8028AAC1 008F
802A9531 0025
Rename Cars
53Milk Truck5802A938C 00??
802A938D 00??
802A938E 00??
802A938F 00??
802A9390 00??
802A9391 00??
802A9392 00??
802A9393 00??
802A9394 00??
802A9395 00??
*802A9396 00??
54Beach Ball6802A93A0 00??
802A93A1 00??
802A93A2 00??
802A93A3 00??
802A93A4 00??
802A93A5 00??
802A93A6 00??
802A93A7 00??
802A93A8 00??
802A93A9 00??
*802A93AA 00??

1With this code the game will try to fool you. It will say you are in last and sometimes say that you are going the wrong way. Also cars disappear and reappear to get you confused.
2in this mode the scenery comes much slower towards you so the laps are getting longer.
3Only some cars wil drive over 350 kph. You need a faster gear-ratio as wel.
4this gives your car a golden shine on windows and body-work
5Anything with a "*" is optional to put in. Other codes without it MUST be put in. So if you wanted, for example instead of "Milk Truck" you want "Example" the last 3 codes would have to have "20" at the end (which is space). I'm not sure if you can save the name permanently on a controller pack since I don't have one, but if anybody wants to see and tell me please do.

Replace "??" with:

20 Space
21 !
22 "
23 #
24 $
26 &
27 '
2A *
2B +
2C ,
2D -
2E .
2F /
30 0
31 1
32 2
33 3
34 4
35 5
36 6
37 7
38 8
39 9
3A :
3B ;
3D =
3F ?
40 @
41 A
42 B
43 C
44 D
45 E
46 F
47 G
48 H
49 I
4A J
4B K
4C L
4D M
4E N
4F O
50 P
51 Q
52 R
53 S
54 T
55 U
56 V
57 W
58 X
59 Y
5A Z

CodeMaster1, 2, 3, 22, 23
InterAct4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Zelda Master12, 13, 53, 54
eternal2@dialnet.net14, 15
FiZzZz17, 18, 19
Game Master20, 21
Robb24, 25, 26
J.Lint & Hack Master27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52