
Space Station

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1001811DDF1C ????
811DDF20 ????
811DDF24 ????
201811DE2F0 ????
811DE2F4 ????
811DE2F8 ????
302811DE6C4 ????
811DE6C8 ????
811DE6CC ????
403811DEA98 ????
811DEA9C ????
811DEAA0 ????
504811DEE6C ????
811DEE70 ????
811DEE74 ????
605811DF240 ????
811DF244 ????
811DF248 ????
706811DF614 ????
811DF618 ????
811DF61C ????
807811DF9E8 ????
811DF9EC ????
811DF9F0 ????
908811DFDBC ????
811DFDC0 ????
811DFDC4 ????
1009811E0190 ????
811E0194 ????
811E0198 ????
110A811E0564 ????
811E0568 ????
811E056C ????
120B811E0938 ????
811E093C ????
811E0940 ????
130C811E0D0C ????
811E0D10 ????
811E0D14 ????
140D811E10E0 ????
811E10E4 ????
811E10E8 ????
150E811E14B4 ????
811E14B8 ????
811E14BC ????
160F811E1888 ????
811E188C ????
811E1890 ????
1710811E1C5C ????
811E1C60 ????
811E1C64 ????
1811811E2030 ????
811E2034 ????
811E2038 ????
1912811E2404 ????
811E2408 ????
811E240C ????
2013811E27D8 ????
811E27DC ????
811E27E0 ????
2114811E2BAC ????
811E2BB0 ????
811E2BB4 ????
2215811E2F80 ????
811E2F84 ????
811E2F88 ????
2316811E3354 ????
811E3358 ????
811E335C ????
2417811E3728 ????
811E372C ????
811E3730 ????
2518811E3AFC ????
811E3B00 ????
811E3B04 ????
2619811E3ED0 ????
811E3ED4 ????
811E3ED8 ????
271A811E42A4 ????
811E42A8 ????
811E42AC ????

1Find the place you want to start at, then look up the codes in the memory editor. If you want to use them as a starting point modifier, make the codes Cheat Device button activated (89). Also, the first code is the x co-ordinate, the second is the y co-ordinate, and the third code is the z co-ordinate.

Crock (of shit)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27