
Perfect Dark

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Miscellaneous Codes
1No Hands800702DF 0000
2Triangle On Mauler18020E91A 00??
3Beta Perfect Dark (Info Screen Text Modifier)8110C994 2031
8110C996 2E30
8110C998 2062
8110C99A 6574
8110C99C 6120
4No Hoverbox In Warehouse801F2CF0 0000
5Hack Almost Finished (Press B)- P1D009C7E4 0040
800AC21A 0010
6Hack Almost Finished (Press B)- P2D009C7EC 0040
800AC21A 0010
7Level Modifier28008E703 00XX
8Scenario Modifier38009E703 00xx
9Gun Set Modifier4800874CB 00XX
10Custom Gun Modifier5800ACBA? 00xx
11Combat Boost Always on8009A42B 0001
12Easy Challenge Finish68007074f 0001
13Sky Color Modifier780081060 00??
80081061 00??
80081062 00??
14Weapons Info Scrolls Very Fast80099FE0 0003
15The Big Elevator In Ravine Is Gone801DDB44 007A
16The Elevator In Pipes Is Gone801E7A00 007A
17One Of The Elevators In The Base Is Gone (The Big Room)801E78F8 004A
18The Elevator That Is Over The Nonreachable "beta" Room In Sewers Is Gone801EA099 007A
19Pipes Elevator Speed Modifier801E7A04 0???
20Ravine Elevator Speed Modifier8801DDB48 0???
21No Spark From Bulletholes8007F0BA 0000
22No Smoke812034B4 0000
812034B6 0000
23No Bullet Holes, Scorches, Blood Marks On Walls Or Floor8109B045 0000
8109CC4F 0000
24Instantly Get Hills (KotH)800AC116 001A
25Pop Continuously Gets Points (Pop a Cap)800AC112 003C
26No Muzzle Flash Or Bullet9811BBCDC 0000
811BC480 0000
27Gun/Hand Position/Animation Modifier10811BC080 ????
28Very Very Large Explosions11800405C4 0045
800405C4 0000
800405D0 0041
800405D1 0070
800405D4 0045
800405D5 0000
800405D8 0055
800405D9 0000
29Green Background In Pause Menu80070F28 0010
30Blue Background In Pause Menu80070F29 0010
31Half Blue, Half Green Background In Pause Menu80070F2A 0010
32Size Modifier Health Bar (0C Normal)80070F2B 00??
33Shield Part Of Health Bar Size Modifier (1e Normal)80070F23 00??
34Long Bar80070F27 0010
35Length Of Bar That Looks Correct80070F2F 00??
36No Left Part Of Bar (Red Section)80070F47 0010
37Ammo Box Near Top Of Stairs Image Modifier811EED4C 0???
811EEDF4 0???
38Walk Through Doors - Felicity801EFDEA 0000
801EFD0E 0000
801EFEC6 0000
801EFFA2 0000
801F0076 0000
801F015A 0000
801F0236 0000
801F0312 0000
801F03EE 0000
801F04CA 0000
801F05A6 0000
801F0682 0000
801EF73A 0000
801EF582 0000
801EF3CA 0000
801EF8F2 0000
801EF816 0000
801EF65E 0000
801EF4A6 0000
39Walk Through Doors - Temple801DD99E 0000
801DDA7A 0000
801DDB56 0000
801DD8C2 0000
801DD7E6 0000
801DD702 0000
40Die Instantly When Falling A Small Distance (Like Stairs)8113D632 0001
41Never Die From Falling (Best If Used With Moonjump Code!)8113D632 0000
42Kill Count For Player 1 Is 99 Then 100 After First Kill8009A053 0063
43Change The Sound Of The First Down Stairs Room In Felicity (Replace With 00 - 21 In Hex)801EFEA6 00??
44Ake The Same Doors As Above Red801EFE39 0000
45Make The Same Door As Above Black811EFE38 0000
46Second Weapon Slot Modifier: Ruins, 1P12801FD8C9 00??
47Joanna Coordinates Modifier (Temple)13811E49F8 ????
811E49FC ????
811E4A00 ????
482X Any Weapon148013E3E3 0001
8013E3E4 0001
49Player 1 Infinite Laptop Sentury Gun Ammo (Game Counts Kills, Deaths, Etc.)801E5729 00C8
50Player 2 Infinite Laptop Sentury Gun Ammo (Game Counts Kills, Deaths, Etc.)801E57D5 00C8
51Player 3 Infinite Laptop Sentury Gun Ammo (Game Counts Kills, Deaths, Etc.)801E5881 00C8
52Player 4 Infinite Laptop Sentury Gun Ammo (Game Counts Kills, Deaths, Etc.)801E592D 00C8
53Number Of Bullets Laptop Sentry Gun Has Taken (complex)801E04B1 000?
8009CC4B 0000
8009CC5B 0000
54Give Yourself A Migrane80157687 0000
8013DE12 0000
55Camspy Takes Off Like A Rocket8126BA40 0000
56Felicity - Gun Firing Animation Modifier158013DC38 00??
57Felicity - Reload Animation Modifier8013EB80 00??
58Total Time Modifier810A2212 ????
59Sound8105DDC8 ????
60Music (5000 - Full, 0000 - None)810840EC ????
61Sound Mode168005DDCF 00??
62Screen Ratio178007FAB7 00??
63Half One Gun, Half Another188013EB80 00XX
64One Player Instead Of Two81062926 0002
810714DA 0002
65Mercury Switch Joanna (p1/low Maybe High)(if She Is Tilted A Certain Way, She Dies)8013D633 0001
66Tall View800705CC 0040
67Wide View800705CC 003E
68Drunk Joanna Code800705CA 0002
69Left Gun Falcon Action Modifier (Tested In Combat Simulator In Felicity)198013E3DC 00??
70Games Played800AC817 ????
71Games Won800AC81B ????
72Games Lost800AC81F ????
73Almost Perfect, Walk Through Walls Code! (Glitch Code Version)8002804B 0001
80028053 0001
80028057 0021
8002805B 0001
8002805F 0001
8002806B 00A1
8002806F 0001
80028073 0021
80028077 0001
74Fast Jo8001AC0F 0000
8001AC1F 0080
8001AC4B 0081
8001AC5B 0001
8001AC6B 0081
8001AC7B 0001
8001AC8B 0081
8001AC9B 0001
8001ACAB 0081
8001ACB7 0001
75Slippery Floor For Some Items (Grenades Now Slip On Floor)80026C0F 003B
76No Blood/Other Effects Go Away Fast8035EC87 0020
77IR Scanner in Multiplayer8106F73A ????
78Infinite Psychosis Gun Ammo80207EA3 00FF
801EEEA3 00FF
801D7B13 00FF
Point Modifiers
791st Team Combat Positive Point Modifier20800AC7E5 00??
801st Team Combat Positive Point Modifier #2 (?)800ACFDF 00??
811st Team Combat Negative Point Modifier800AC7DD 00??
821st Team Capture The Case/King of The Hill/Hold The Briefcase Positive Point Modifier800AC7F7 00??
831st Team Hacker Central Positive Point Modifier800AC1EB 00??
841st Team Pop-A-Cap Positive Modifier800AC14B 00??
852nd Team Combat Negative Point Modifier800AC87F 00??
862nd Team Capture The Case/King of The Hill/Hold The Briefcase Positive Point Modifier800AC897 00??
872nd Team Pop-A-Cap Positive Point Modifier800AC149 00??
Grid Codes
88Very Fast Elevator In Grid801E1734 0040
89Elevator Is Unoperatable801E1734 0000
90Bottom Door Opens When Top Door Is Supposed To Open811E1762 5CD0
91Top Door Opens When The Bottom Door Is Supposed To Open811E1766 9370
92Bottom Left Door Thickness Modifier801E1788 00??
93Sometimes Bottom Set Of Doors Open At Will801E178F 0000
94Walk Thru Bottom Left Door801E1792 D7C0

1This code puts a triangle on the Mauler, but only if you go into a multiplayer level by yourself (no other players). I don't know if it will work with sims being in the level. You can see the tip of the triangle with the digit being 01 or 02, but the bigger the number, the taller the triangle. 0 is no difference. I don't know if this works on any other guns, either.
200 - Skedar
01 - Pipes
02 - Ravine
03 - G5 Building
04 - Sewers
05 - Warehouse
06 - Grid
07 - Grid
08 - Area 52
09 - Base
0A - Fortress
0B - Villa
0C - Car Park
0D - Temple
0E - Complex
0F - Felicity
10 and above - Random
3Okay, might as well explain these codes now. As you might have noticed, the scenario and level mod are the same code! If you just use it without accessing either the scenario or area sub-menus, it should take you to the level that the digit represents. But, if you choose the scenario sub-menu before you start a multiplayer match, it should do that scenario and a random level.
00 - Combat
01 - Hold the Case
02 - Hacker Central
03 - Pop A Cap
04 - King of the Hill
05 - Capture the Case
400= Pistols
01= Automatics
02= Power
03= FarSight
04= Tranquilizer
05= Heavy
06= Golden Magnum
07= Explosive
08= Grenade Launcher
09= Rocket Launcher
0A= Proximity Mine
0B= Remote Mine
0C= Random Five
0D= Random
0E= Custom
5?= 0= 1st slot
1= 2nd slot
2= 3rd slot
3= 4th slot
4= 5th slot
5= 6th slot
x= 00= Nothing
01= Falcon 2
02= Falcon 2(silencer)
03= Falcon 2(scope)
04= Magsec 4
05= Mauler
06= Phoenix
07= DY357 Magnum
08= DY357-LX
09= CMP150
0A= Cyclone
0B= Callisto NTG
0C= RC-P120
0D= Laptop Gun
0E= Dragon
0F= K7 Avenger
10= AR34
11= SuperDragon
12= Shutgun
13= Reaper
14= Sniper Rifle
15= Farsight XR-20
16= Devastator
17= Rocket Launcher
18= Slayer
19= Combat Knife
1A= Crossbow
1B= Tranquilizer
1C= Grenade
1D= N-Bomb
1E= Timed Mine
1F= Proximity Mine
20= Remote Mine
21= Combat Boost
22= Shield
23= Disabled
6To use this code shoot your gun to win
7I would suggest going to these addresses in the mem ed
9slayer, rocket launcher, devastator, super dragon (grenade), or laser will not work. Laptop sentry and dragon proximity will continually launch
10Anything after a "/" in the digits refers to what the gun does after it fires. The ones with a "*" are my favorites.
0 gun way back
1 “
2 gun close and pointing down
3 middle an very close
4 middle and less close
5 as 3
6 shotgun reload
7 low on screen (reload)
8 low on screen (side reload, devastator?)
9 low right w/ rocket reload
0a high middle for some guns (superdragon reload?)
0b middle close bottom with glitchy movement
0c middle less close bottom with glitch
0d middle off screen bottom flashes to normal when fire
0e bottom middle-to-left close
0f very close middle
10 bottom right very close/jitters right to left
11 bottom right very close/jitters up to down
12 close middle right
13 less close right/ farther middle
14 less close right
15 close
bf bottom right of screen
c0 normal position, but little closer and pointing up
c1 crossbow! – cool effect with falcon *
c2 close to normal position, but gun parts move sideways*
c3 closer
c4 closer
c5 far left offscreen, gun won’t work after reload
c6 as 119
c7 freeze
c8 as 119
c9 as c5
ca as 119
cb “
cc “
cd “
ce “
cf as c5
d0 “
d1 far right off screen
d2 tiny arm, won’t fire after reload*
d3 gun in pieces, falls apart when fired*
d4 gun in pieces*
d5 gun offscreen upper left
d6 gun offscreen top and slightly left
d7 offscreen top and slightly right
d8 offscreen top, center
d9 offscreen upper left corner
da offscreen bottom center
db offscreen right
dc as d8
dd as d6
de as db
df tiny arm doing weird things in center of screen*
e0 tiny arm all the way out and to left*
e1 tiny arm all the way out and to left a bit*
00e2 laptop gun
e3 gun lowered to be part of hand
e4 like e3, but reload like superdragon
e5 like e3, but very fast reload
e6 K7 avenger /offscreen bottom left/kicks up onto screen
e7 close on bottom left
e8 as e7, but reload like shotgun
e9 as e7, but reloads like k7 (good view of gun)*
00ea falcons
eb gun center
ec as eb, fast reload
ed gun center/turns on side
ee offscreen bottom left
ef as ee
f0 tiny arms far right facing you*
f1 freeze
fc offscreen middle
fd offscreen normal position
fe offscreen middle
ff offscreen right
100 bottom left offscreen
101 gun on left pointing up at angle (good view of top)*
102 offscreen top right
103 offscreen bottom left
104 freeze
105 bottom left offscreen
106 “
107 offscreen top right
108 “
109 “
10a offscreen top
10b arm from top to bottom left and it moves to the right when you fire*
10c offscreen top right
10d offscreen top right
10e “
10f “
110 huge gun pointing towards you (excellent view of gun)*
111 wristmounted gun, very close, cover bottom right corner of screen (good view of gun)*
112 hold gun like club/froze when I changed guns
113 close right, pointing down/kicks back into face
114 middle low, very close
115 gun way back/ hand like cmo150
117 off the top of the screen/flashes to normal
118 as 117
119 no gun/flashes to normal spot, but bullet streaks don’t appear
11a as119
11b as 119
11c “
11d “
11e “ 11f “
120 offscreen left/flashes to normal spot
121 “
1ae offscreen left
1af back on arm no reload
1b0 “
1b1 freeze
1d2 offscreen top right
1d3 offscreen left
1eb freeze
1ec freeze
1ed freeze
1f0 freeze
1fb offscreen middle
1fc normal position but closer than normal/dips into center then back
1fd back slightly and pointing down/pulls back offscreen
1fe back slightly/goes down
1ff slightly back of normal/gun looks to left then right
200 slightly closer than normal pointing down/moves across bottom of screen
201 slightly closer and to! the right more
300 as 119
3e0 gun closer than normal and instant reload
3e1 “
3e2 “
3e3 “
3e4 “
3e5 “
3e9 gun lower right, reload high left
3ea fist punch
3eb gun center, reload like farsight
3ec farsight
3ed gun center, farther away
03ee shotgun
3ef center shotgun
3f0 rocket launcher
3f1 held closer than normal, some weird effects
3f2 held slightly to left of normal and makes pistol whip motion
3f3 mauler
3f4 freeze
3f5 back farther/turns clockwise slightly
3f6 pistol whip
3f7 devastator
3f8 gun below hand
3f9 dragon
3fa offscreen in normal position, hand goes right into your face on reload
3fb as above different reload
3fc offscreen near normal position
3fd superdragon grenade launch
3fe superdragon normal
3ff offscreen near normal position
400 floating high on the screen in the center
401 as above/ tilts to point down and to the right
402 hand in normal position, gun offscre! en in normal/hand stabs forward
403 combat knife slash
404 other knife slash
405 combat knife throw
406 magnum
407 pistol whip after firing (magnum?)
408 magnum reload
409 2 magsec
40a higher than normal/magsec reload
40b Magsec
40c sniper rifle
40d freeze
40e cyclone
40f center of screen/goes up (shotgun reload?)
410 freeze
411 gun close to normal position, but moving part pushed to vertical*
412 hand is flat, gun normal, no reload
413 “
414 “
415 pheonix
416 slightly back on hand
417 normal position/side reload
418 callisto
419 ar34
41a rcp-120 reload/pointing slightly up at center of screen
41b combat knife ready to throw
41c gun above and to right of hand aiming at hand*
41d arm pointing inwards at normal position, gun offscreen*
41e gun back on arm, instant reload
41f gun pointing up, hand does palm strike*
420 magnum reload
421 empty hand with finger on trigger
422 gun on fo! rearm/hand goes up (mauler reload?)
423 normal position/ gun goes down offscreen (double gun reload?)
424 rcp-120
425 gun held sideways to right/ goes up when fired*
426 pointing from right to left on bottom of screen/weird effects*
427 reaper position, gun pointing down at bottom of screen/moves up when fired
428 held magically above hand in normal position/goes down
429 slightly back on wrist/reload at back (slayer?)
42a slayer
42b n-bomb, grenade
42c shotgun double blast
42d tranq
42e laser – most guns not on screen and instant reload
42f offscreen normal position
430 prox, time mine
431 hand in center/gun flashes to normal position
432 remote mine
433 open hand in center/gun flashes to normal
434 as above, but slightly more open hand
435 mine close to you
436 mine held ready to throw
437 really close to screen. Gun held at weird angle, some guns in pieces*
438 guns held sideways in pieces mostly offscreen*!
439 bottom left offscreen/gun goes to a vertical position on right*
43a most guns held vertically in normal position*
43b hand in center of screen, gun held vertically, no reload
43c gun in center of screen, no reload
43d gun way back on hand/flashes to normal position
43e gun higher on hand, no reload
43f freeze
440 hand normal, gun closer than normal
441 slightly back from normal, no reload
442 “
443 “
444 “
445 “
4ff freeze
ffff freeze
11The explosion works for any item.
WARNING: Get very far away or you WILL die
12Extra digits from normal ones:
2D Night Vision! It works, but is useless unless someone wants to hack a code to turn off lights.
2E - Camspy, unfortunately, it won't work. If you want to equip it use this code:801FD8B3-0000 [you still can't use it]
2F-x-ray scanner
30-IR scanner
31 and above - nothing

Stupid Rare, they didn't leave their beta guns/stuff in!

Oh, and here's the third and fourth weapon slot: 801FD8DD-00XX, 801FD8F1-00XX
They are all 14 in hex apart.
13You can have this easily for every level.
Here's how:
Go to mem. location 8013D6C7.
Now, scroll down a page or two until you see a pointer in the 801E/F area. Go there and the coords are below!
14The 2nd one allows any weapon can be doubled. The first tells the game you have the material (ie 2 AR34's) to do it. But it freezes. I may be wrong about what it does, and picking up 2 different AR34's or whatever dosent work. Maybe someone else could get it to work.
1501 - unarmed
22 - remote mine
23 - combat boost
24 - pp7 (or whatever gay name pd has for it)
2b - rcp90 (")
the weird thing with this is that if you put in a didgit for any gun other than any falcon 2(silenced or scope), all falcons 2's you pull out look scoped and silenced, which is, quite frankly, awesome
1600 - Mono
01 - Stereo
02 - Headphone
03 - Surround
04+ - Freeze
1700 - normal
01 - 16:9
18What you do is look in the memory editor When you have the gun that has the ammo and secondary function you want and put it in XX. Now when you take out a gun, it will look screwy(possibly fixed by Wrecks position mods) and when you shoot, it will be the gun in XX.

Example: You want explosive shells on a CMP.

You goto the memory editor and find Pheonix is 07. You put 07 in XX and take out a CMP150 (If you have trouble, use the weapon wheel) switch to the secondary function (it will say follow lock-on, ignore this) and start shooting explosive shells as fast as the CMP normally fires!

With this code, you can have Golden bullet RCP120's A knife shooting, perfect accuracy Reaper, Charge-up shot sniper rifle, the possibilites are endless! And, you can use the value for any gun without changing codes or restarting! Put it with and activator, and when your friends come after you when you just start and can't seem to get a weapon, press the button and start pumpin them full of LX!
1900 - no function
01 - swinging fists
02 - normal falcon
03 - Silenced Falcon
04 - Scoped Falcon
05 - I'm not sure what this is
06 - Phoenix
07 - mauler
08 - Magnum
201st Team OR 1st Player - 2nd Team OR 2nd Player, Etc.

hack master1, 12
Gray Vader2, 3, 7, 8, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
Ass Wigit4, 5, 6, 14, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 46, 47
kuhl stud9, 10, 11
TheoryOfG15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
chadman21, 22, 26, 27
crazy4 00724, 25
Perfect Dark38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
Elvis48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 63
ghandi056, 57
Green Nails64
Ass Wigit & Goldenboy65
Quantum Rift66, 67, 68, 69, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94
Geno5570, 71, 72
Ructir73, 74, 75, 76
Xizer77, 78
Rune a.k.a. Hitler79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87