
Perfect Dark

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Gun Position Modifiers
1Unarmed18006B388 00XX
8006B389 00XX
2Falcon 28006B754 00XX
8006B755 00YY
3Falcon 2 (silencer)8006B7F4 00XX
8007B7F5 00YY
4Falcon 2 (scope)8006B7A4 00XX
8006B7A5 00YY
5Magsec 48006BA30 00XX
8006BA31 00YY
6Mauler8006C18C 00XX
8006C18D 00YY
7Phoenix8006BF60 00XX
8006BF61 00YY
8DY357 Magnum8006BD68 00XX
8006BD69 00YY
9DY357-LX8006BDB8 00XX
8006BDB9 00YY
10CMP1508006C3F0 00XX
8006C3F1 00YY
11Cyclone8006C59C 00XX
8006C59D 00YY
12Callisto NTG8006C874 00XX
8006C875 00YY
13RC-P1208006C700 00XX
8006C701 00YY
14Laptop Gun8006D198 00XX
8006D199 00YY
15Dragon8006C9C4 00XX
8006C9C5 00YY
16K7 Avenger8006CF84 00XX
8006CF85 00YY
17AR348006CDAC 00XX
8006CDAB 00YY
18SuperDragon8006CBFC 00XX
8006CBFD 00YY
19Shotgun8006D318 00XX
8006D319 00YY
20Reaper8006D51C 00XX
8006D51D 00YY
21Sniper Rifle8006E6B0 00XX
8006E6B1 00YY
22Farsight XR-208006E0BC 00XX
8006E0BD 00YY
23Devastator8006DA20 00XX
8006DA21 00YY
24Rocket Launcher8006D6F8 00XX
8006D6F9 00YY
25Slayer8006D86C 00XX
8006D86D 00YY
26Combat Knife8006F13C 00XX
8006F13D 00YY
27Crossbow8006E2D0 00XX
8006E2D1 00YY
28Tranquilizer8006E4A8 00XX
8006E4A9 00YY
29Grenade8006DEB4 00XX
8006DEB5 00YY
30N-Bomb8006DF60 00XX
8006DF61 00YY
31Laser8006E7B4 00XX
8006E7B5 00XX
32Timed Mine8006DAFC 00XX
8006DAFD 00YY
33Proximity Mine8006DCA4 00XX
8006DCA5 00YY
34Remote Mine8006DC1C 00XX
8006DC1D 00YY
35PP9i8006E888 00XX
8006E889 00YY
36CC138006E944 00XX
8006E945 00YY
37KLO13138006E9FC 00XX
8006E9FD 00YY
38KF7 Special8006EAB4 00XX
8006EAB5 00YY
39ZZT (9mm)8006EB6C 00XX
8006EB6D 00YY
40DMC8006EC24 00XX
8006EC25 00YY
41AR538006ECDC 00XX
8006ECDD 00YY
42RC-P458006ED94 00XX
8006ED95 00YY
43Psychosis Gun8006E54C 00XX
8006E54D 00YY
Bullet Power Mods (How Many Things You Can Shoot Thru)
44Falcon 2/ Falcon 2 (Scope)28006B670 00XX
45Falcon 2 (Silencer)8006B6AC 00XX
46Magsec 4's Single Shot8006B9AC 00XX
47Magsec 4's 3-Round Burst8006B9EC 00XX
48Mauler's Single Shot8006C108 00XX
49Mauler's Charge-Up Shot8006C148 00XX
50Phoenix's Single Shot8006BEDC 00XX
51Phoenix's Explosive Shells8006BF1C 00XX
52DY357 Magnum8006BC98 00XX
53DY357-LX8006BCD8 00XX
54CMP150's Rapid Fire8006C344 00XX
55CMP150's Follow Lock-On8006C398 00XX
56Cyclone's Rapid Fire8006C4F0 00XX
57Cyclone's Magazine Discharge8006C544 00XX
58Callisto NTG's Rapid Fire8006C7C8 00XX
59Callisto NTG's High Impact Shells8006C81C 00XX
60RC-P1208006C688 00XX
61Laptop Gun8006D11C 00XX
62Dragon8006C948 00XX
63K7 Avenger's Burst Fire8006CED8 00XX
64K7 Avenger's Threat Detector8006CF2C 00XX
65AR34's Burst Fire8006CD00 00XX
66AR34's Use Scope8006CD54 00XX
67SuperDragon's Rapid Fire8006CB2C 00XX
68SuperDragon's Grenade Launcher8006CB80 00XX
69Shotgun's Shotgun Fire8006D294 00XX
70Shotgun's Double Blast8006D2D4 00XX
71Reaper8006D478 00XX
72Sniper Rifle8006E648 00XX
73Farsight XR-20's Rail-Gun Effect8006E034 00XX
74Farsight XR-20's Target Locator8006E074 00XX
75Devastator's Grenade Launcher8006D950 00XX
76Devastator's Wall Hugger8006D9B4 00XX
77Rocket Launcher's Rocket Launch8006D62C 00XX
78Rocket Launcher's Targeted Rocket8006D690 00XX
79Slayer's Rocket Launch8006D7A0 00XX
80Slayer's Fly-By-Wire Rocket8006D804 00XX
81Crossbow's Sedate8006E260 00XX
82Crossbow's Instant Kill8006E1FC 00XX
83Tranquilizer's Sedate8006E410 00XX
84Laser8006E730 00XX
85PP9i8006E844 00XX
86CC138006E900 00XX
87KLO13138006E9A4 00XX
88KF7 Special8006EA5C 00XX
89ZZT (9mm)8006EB14 00XX
90DMC8006EBCC 00XX
91AR538006EC84 00XX
92RC-P458006ED3C 00XX
93Psychosis Gun8006E51C 00XX
Other Codes
94Always Standing P1801BB74F 0002
95Always Crouching P1801BB74F 0001
96Always Crouching Low P1801BB74F 0000
97Always Standing P2801BD3BF 0002
98Always Crouching P2801BD3BF 0001
99Always Crouching Low P2801BD3BF 0000
100Always Standing P3801BF02F 0002
101Always Crouching P3801BF02F 0001
102Always Crouching Low P3801BF02F 0000
103Always Standing P4801C0C9F 0002
104Always Crouching P4801C0C9F 0001
105Always Crouching Low P4801C0C9F 0000

1XX YY gun position
40 F0 Unarmed
41 10 All the Falcon 2's
41 28 Magsec 4's
41 38 Mauler and AR34's
41 18 Phoenix, both DY357 magnum's
41 50 CMP150, RC-P120, and KF7 Special's
41 AC Cyclone and Farsight XR-20's
41 8C Callisto NTG's
41 80 Laptop Gun's
41 70 Dragon and SuperDragon's
40 D0 K7 Avenger's
41 40 Shotgun's
40 80 Reaper and Remote Mine's
41 A8 Sniper Rifle's
41 9C Devastator's
41 C4 Rocket Launcher's
41 B4 Slayer's
41 94 Combat Knife's
41 30 Crossbow, ZZT (9mm), AR53 & RC-P45's
41 20 Tranquilizer, PP9i, CC13 & Psychosis Gun's
41 88 Grenade and N-Bomb's
C1 40 Laser
41 00 Timed Mine and Proximity Mine's
40 80 Remote Mine's
41 0C KLO1313's
41 84 DMC's
3F 00 0r Lower is same, closest to middle46 FF Highest One I tried before it froze
47 00 Don't exceed this number or it will crash.
201: Shoots through nothing
FF: Shoot through 255 things

Wreck71, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93
Koronix94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105