
Paperboy 64

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Paths Open Codes
1Training Level Finished/Alphaville8006A4FF 0001
2Alphaville Bonus8006A503 0001
3Alphaville Level Finished/Alice's RV Haven8006A507 0001
4Aliice's RV Haven Bonus8006A50B 0001
5Aliice's RV Haven Finished/Moose Pellet Park8006A50F 0001
6Moose Pellet Park Bonus8006A513 0001
7Moose Pellet Park Finished/Pelican Beach8006A517 0001
8006A51F 0001
8Pelican Beach Bonus8006A51B 0001
9Pelican Beach Finished/Tesla Town8006A53F 0001
8006A547 0001
8006A54F 0001
10Tesla Town Bonus8006A523 0001
11Tesla Town Finished/Dr. Tesla's Castle8006A527 0001
8006A52B 0001
8006A533 0001
8006A53B 0001
1299 Total Houses8106A56A 0063
13Infinite Health8006A5D2 0064
Paperboy Power-Up Modifiers
14Training1802B3853 00??
15Alphaville2802C734B 00??
16Alice's RV Haven802C27EB 00??
17Moose Pellet Park802C3D83 00??
18Pelican Beach802F5C83 00??
19Tesla Town80340CBB 00??
20Dr. Tesla's Castle802CF08B 00??
21Construction Junction802FB743 00??
22Big Foot Falls802C9233 00??
23The Zoo802C9353 00??
24King Gorilla802A8A4B 00??
25Mt. Kablooie80310B0B 00??
26Ghost Town803449CB 00??
27RayBob's Junkyard802C2C0B 00??
28Omega City802FB203 00??
29Invading Neptune802CBD63 00??
Papergirl Power-Up Modifiers
30Training 13802B43F3 00??
31Alphaville 2802C7EFB 00??
32Alice's RV Haven802C338B 00??
33Moose Pellet Park802C4923 00??
34Pelican Beach802F6823 00??
35Tesla Town8034188B 00??
36Dr. Tesla's Castle802CFC3B 00??
37Construction Junction802FC30B 00??
38Big Foot Falls802C9DDB 00??
39The Zoo802C9F03 00??
40King Gorilla802A9603 00??
41Mt. Kablooie803116BB 00??
42Ghost Town8034557B 00??
43RayBob's Junkyard802C37BB 00??
44Omega City802FBECB 00??
45Invading Neptune802CC8EB 00??
In-Game Cheats
46Turbo Mode81268B36 0001
47Always have Super Jump Springs81268B3A 0001
48Always have Rocket Boosters81268B3E 0001
49High Jump (No Booster Needed)81268B2E 0001
50Slow Mo81268B32 0001
51Tiny PaperBoy81268B52 0001
52Huge Newspapers81268B5A 0001
53Unlimited Newspapers On Any Level81268B12 0001
Miscellaneous Codes
54Infinite Health8006A5D2 0064
55Rapid Fire Newspapers812657A8 0000
81268B12 0001
56Rapid Zoom Or No Peddling Motion481265874 0001
57Access All Levels & Bonus Levels8006A5F7 0001
58See Every Headline812688E6 0001
59Invincibility812688FE 0001
60Choose Your Level81268946 0001
61Obstacles Scream When Hit8126895E 0001
62Can't See Far812688FE 0001
63Obstacles Are Invisible81268916 0001
64Paper Modifier (All Levels)8110326C 0800
8110326E 0018
81103270 8E22
81103272 0108
81000060 241B
81000062 ????
81000064 AC5B
81000066 000C
81000068 0804
8100006A 0C9D
8100006C 8C42
8100006E 000C
65Don't Lose Papers When Throwing Them (All Levels)810FC088 2400
66Paper Throw Cost Modifier (All Levels) (Default FFFF)810FC082 ????
67Starting Number Of Papers Modifier (All Levels)810FB114 2404
810FB116 ????
68Don't Lose Health From Hitting Things810088E8 2400
69Stop Timer (All Levels)810CEF6C 2400
70Turn Off Timer Display (All Levels)810DAD4C 1000

103 Stomp Jump
04 Sun
06 Monster Potion (Monster Paperboy)
07 Paper Spray (throws papers in all directions at one time)
08 Watch ( Slows time for a few moments)
2These codes work best with an activator
303 Stomp Jump
04 Sun
06 Monster Potion (Monster Paperboy)
07 Paper Spray (throws papers in all directions at one time)
08 Watch ( Slows time for a few moments)
4Note: Press and Hold C-up to see effect for rapid zoom. To observe the no peddling motion, press C-down and release, no jump will occur, instead you will have a no peddling paperboy leaning forward on bike. Use the Start button and choose return to game to undo effect until the C buttons are used again.

Sage1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
macrox14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
Parasyte & macrox30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
Robb58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
Viper18764, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70