
Extreme G 2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Enable Codes
1Extra Tracks80182F87 0001
8018305F 0001
80183137 0001
8018320F 0001
801832E7 0001
801833BF 0001
80183497 0001
80183647 0001
8018371F 0001
801837F7 0001
2Extra Characters801839CF 0001
801839D3 0001
801839D7 0001
3Enable Hydra Prime80182F87 0001
4Enable Farron8018305F 0001
5Enable Meza Virs80183137 0001
6Enable Anville8018320F 0001
7Enable Tex City801832E7 0001
8Enable Canous801833BF 0001
9Enable Cordilon80183497 0001
10Enable Sensara80183570 0001
11Enable Lumania80183647 0001
12Enable Eschaton8018371F 0001
13Enable Tethra801837F7 0001
14Enable Critical Mass & Venom801839CF 0001
15Enable Meltdown & Wasp801839D3 0001
16Enable Duel & Spectre801839D7 0001
17Extra Tracks ("GS" Pro v3.0+ ONLY)1500007D8 0000
80182F87 0001
500003D8 0000
80183647 0001
Miscellaneous Codes
18Lasers Never Overheat P181170B98 42C8
19Infinite Shield P181170B8C 42C8
20Infinite Nitros P181170B66 0003
81170B62 0003
21100 Points80183A33 0064
22FAKE Always Place 1st80170CC3 0001
23Low Timer81091E74 0000
81091E76 0300
24Cheat Mode Modifier 1280092B8A 00??
25Cheat Mode Modifier 2380092B8B 00??
26Infinite Shield P2811711F4 42C8
27Infinite Lasers P281171200 42C8
28Infinite Nitros P2801711CB 0003
801711CF 0003
29Infinite Shield P38117185C 42C8
30Infinite Lasers P381171868 42C8
31Infinite Nitros P380171833 0003
80171837 0003
32Infinite Shield P481171EC4 42C8
33Infinite Lasers P481171ED0 42C8
34Infinite Nitros P480171E9B 0003
80171E9F 0003
35Infinite Lasers (All Players)81130810 2400
36Infinite Lasers (All Players) Alternate8113080C 2400

1Remember: you can ONLY use this on a GS Pro v3.0 or higher.
201 - Infinite Shields/Lasers
02 - Juggle Mode
04 - Wipe Out Mode
08 - Super Speed Mode
10 - Blurry Mode
20 - RA50 Mode
40 - No Panel Mode
301 - Ugly Mode
02 - Tron Mode
04 - Wireframe Mode
08 - Overhead View
10 - Spiral Mode
20 - Infinite Nitros
40 - Press Quit To End Race In Current Position
80 - Constant Random Weapons Mode

InterAct1, 2, 18, 19, 20, 21
CodeMaster3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25
InterAct (patched by Icy Guy)17
Viper18726, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36