
Duke Nukem - Zero Hour

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Have Pistol8111AA68 0001
2Infinite Ammo Pistol8111AA6A 0063
8111AA70 0000
3Pistol Never Needs To Reload8111AA72 0000
4Have Peacekeeper .458111AA7C 0001
5Have 2X Shot & Peacekeeper .458111AA7C 0003
6Infinite Peacekeeper .45 Ammo8111AA7E 0063
8111AA84 0000
7Peacekeeper .45 Never Needs To Reload8111AA86 0000
8Have Shotgun8111AA90 0001
9Infinite Ammo Shotgun8111AA92 0063
8111AA98 0000
10Shotgun Never Needs To Reload8111AA9A 0000
11Have Machine Gun8111AAB8 0001
12Infinite Ammo Machine Gun8111AABA 0063
8111AAC0 0000
13Machine Gun Never Needs To Reload8111AAC2 0000
14Have Grenade Launcher8111AAE0 0001
15Infinite Ammo Grenade Launcher8111AAE2 0063
8111AAE8 0000
16Grenade Launcher Never Needs To Reload8111AAEA 0000
17Have Pipe Bomb8111AB08 0001
18Infinite Ammo Pipe Bomb8111AB0A 0063
8111AB10 0000
19Pipe Bomb Never Needs To Reload8111AB12 0000
20Have Dynamite8111AB30 0001
21Infinite Ammo Dynamite8111AB32 0063
8111AB38 0000
22Dynamite Never Needs To Reload8111AB3A 0000
23Have Unknown?8111AB58 0001
24Infinite Ammo Unknown?8111AB5A 0063
8111AB60 0000
25Unknown? Never Needs To Reload8111AB62 0000
26Have Machine Shotgun8111AB80 0001
27Infinite Ammo Machine Shotgun8111AB82 0063
8111AB88 0000
28Machine Shotgun Never Needs To Reload8111AB8A 0000
29Have Plasma Gun8111ABA8 0001
30Infinite Ammo Plasma Gun8111ABAA 0063
8111ABB0 0000
31Plasma Gun Never Needs To Reload8111ABB2 0000
32Have Lasergun8111ABD0 0001
33Infinite Ammo Lasergun8111ABD2 0063
8111ABD8 0000
34Lasergun Never Needs To Reload8111ABDA 0000
35Have .50 Sniper Rifle8111AC0C 0001
36Infinite Ammo .50 Sniper Rifle8111AC0E 0063
8111AC14 0000
37.50 Sniper Rifle Never Needs To Reload8111AC16 0000

Streetacex@aol.com1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37