

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Max Exercise Level895EFD55 CF5FD8E1
2Chii Clothing Modifier (Unencrypted)103003A64 000000XX

1This code will take affect the first time you go to the map screen after starting your game.

0 - White Nightshirt
1 - Brown Dress
2 - Purple Robe
3 - Gym Clothes
4 - White Dress With Blue Ribbons
5 - Schoolgirl Outfit
6 - Purple Tanktop
7 - White Shirt
8 - White Dress With Red Ribbons
9 - Pink Shirt
A - Lowcut Pink Dress
B - Green Nightshirt
C - Purple Nightshirt
D - Striped Nightshirt
E - Light Blue Shirt
F - Lowcut White With Blue Ribbon
10 - Off-White Dress
11 - Purple Flower Robe
12 - Brown Dress (#1)
13 - Brown Dress (#1)
14-27 - Invisible Chii
28+ - Crash

Silent Caay1, 2