
Tetris Attack

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Choose Your Character101??A5C0
2No Continues Used010058CF
3Opponent Never Gains Power0100EDC1
40 Speed0100BAC0

1Substitute ?? for 00 (yoshi), 01 (lakitu), 02 (poochy), 03 (flying wiggler), 04 (froggy), 05 (blargg), 06 (lunge fish), 07 (raven), 08 (turtle), 09 (piranna plant), 0A (kamek), 0B (bowser), (substitute the 5 to change the enemys character)
2Substitute ?? for:

00 - Skips The Stall
01 - Endless Game
02 - Time Game
03 - Puzzle Game
04 - Stage Clear Game
05 - VS COM Game
06 - Freezes
07 - VS COM Map
08 - Title Screen
09 - Stall
0A - Congratulations!
0B - Stage Clear Credits
0C - Puzzle Credits
0D - Endless Credits
0E - Tip

0F through FF might freeze, and 0B through 0D are nothing but "BEAT THE GAME" codes!

Christian Gilley1, 5
sprinter_h@hotmail.com2, 3, 4