

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Goals Undone1EEFB-7FD0
2Two Airfields Built At Every Base (Including Enemy Bases)2E418-7FD0

1The first code makes the goals you set undone, which in some instances helps you (not very often though), in that it can reduce the number of cards the other people have at the conference at the end of each month. This code though is only marginally helpful, at best.
2WARNING! DO NOT PLAY WITH THE EFFECT SWITCH, IT WILL ERASE YOUR GAME! You must have a airfield at whatever base before another one is built, if you have a base with no airfields this code will not build any airfields at that base, it will not help you then. To use this code, at the end of a game month, save it at the plan phase, input the code (make sure the game effect switch is on, turn it on at the input code screen, if you do not have the effect switch on before you start the game you will have problems starting), then play the game, after the month is over, a screen will tell you of the airfields built, wait till a screen asking you if you want to go to the conference appears, when that screen does appear, turn off the effect switch, after the conference and when the new month starts as soon as possible save your game and remove your Game Genie from your game.

ructir@aol.com1, 2