
Final Fantasy

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Important Note1N/A
2Modifier Values2N/A
Main Character
3Level??2A DD7D
4Exp (L)??2A DD5D
5Exp (M)??2A DD8D
6Exp (H)??2A DDED
7Current Hp (L)??2A DF7D
8Current Hp (H)??2A DF5D
9Max Hp (L)??2A DF8D
10Max Hp (H)??2A DFED
11Current White Spells??2A D47D
12Current Black Spells??2A D45D
13Current Wizard Spells??2A D48D
14Maximum White Spells??2A D4ED
15Maximum Black Spells??2A D77D
16Maximum Wizard Spells??2A D75D
17Counter Attack??22 DD8D
18Weapon Equipped??23 DD5D
19Armor Code 1??23 DF7D
20Armor Code 2??23 DF5D
21Armor Code 3??23 DF8D
22Armor Code 4??23 DFED
23Weapon Code 1??23 DD8D
24Weapon Code 2??23 DDED
25Have White & Black Spells??23 D47D
26Have Wizard Spells??23 D45D
27Attack??2E D77D
28Defense??2E D75D
29Speed??2E D78D
30Magic Power??2E D7ED
31Magic Power??2E D7ED
Kaeli (1st Time)
32Level??2F 0D7D
33Exp (L)??2F 0D5D
34Exp (M)??2F 0D8D
35Exp (H)??2F 0DED
36Current Hp (L)??2F 0F7D
37Current Hp (H)??2F 0F5D
38Max Hp (L)??2F 0F8D
39Max Hp (H)??2F 0FED
40Current White Spells??2F 047D
41Current Black Spells??2F 045D
42Current Wizard Spells??2F 048D
43Maximum White Spells??2F 04ED
44Maximum Black Spells??2F 077D
45Maximum Wizard Spells??2F 075D
46Counter Attack??24 0D8D
47Weapon Equipped??27 0D5D
48Armor Code 1??27 0F7D
49Armor Code 2??27 0F5D
50Armor Code 3??27 0F8D
51Armor Code 4??27 0FED
52Have White & Black Spells??27 047D
53Have Wizard Spells??27 045D
54Attack??20 077D
55Defense??20 075D
56Speed??20 078D
57Magic Power??20 07ED
58Magic Power??20 07ED
Kaeli (2nd Time)
59Level??29 6D7D
60Exp (L)??29 6D5D
61Exp (M)??29 6D8D
62Exp (H)??29 6DED
63Current Hp (L)??29 6F7D
64Current Hp (H)??29 6F5D
65Max Hp (L)??29 6F8D
66Max Hp (H)??29 6FED
67Current White Spells??29 647D
68Current Black Spells??29 645D
69Current Wizard Spells??29 648D
70Maximum White Spells??29 64ED
71Maximum Black Spells??29 677D
72Maximum Wizard Spells??29 675D
73Counter Attack??21 6D8D
74Weapon Equipped??25 6D5D
75Armor Code 1??25 6F7D
76Armor Code 2??25 6F5D
77Armor Code 3??25 6F8D
78Armor Code 4??25 6FED
79Have White & Black Spells??25 647D
80Have Wizard Spells??25 645D
81Attack??26 677D
82Defense??26 675D
83Speed??26 678D
84Magic Power??26 67ED
85Magic Power??26 67ED
Phoebe (1st Time)
86Level??28 0D7D
87Exp (L)??28 0D5D
88Exp (M)??28 0D8D
89Exp (H)??28 0DED
90Current Hp (L)??28 0F7D
91Current Hp (H)??28 0F5D
92Max Hp (L)??28 0F8D
93Max Hp (H)??28 0FED
94Current White Spells??28 047D
95Current Black Spells??28 045D
96Current Wizard Spells??28 048D
97Maximum White Spells??28 04ED
98Maximum Black Spells??28 077D
99Maximum Wizard Spells??28 075D
100Counter Attack??2A 0D8D
101Weapon Equipped??22 0D5D
102Armor Code 1??22 0F7D
103Armor Code 2??22 0F5D
104Armor Code 3??22 0F8D
105Armor Code 4??22 0FED
106Have White & Black Spells??22 047D
107Have Wizard Spells??22 045D
108Attack??23 077D
109Defense??23 075D
110Speed??23 078D
111Magic Power??23 07ED
112Magic Power??23 07ED
Phoebe (2nd Time)
113Level??2E 6D7D
114Exp (L)??2E 6D5D
115Exp (M)??2E 6D8D
116Exp (H)??2E 6DED
117Current Hp (L)??2E 6F7D
118Current Hp (H)??2E 6F5D
119Max Hp (L)??2E 6F8D
120Max Hp (H)??2E 6FED
121Current White Spells??2E 647D
122Current Black Spells??2E 645D
123Current Wizard Spells??2E 648D
124Maximum White Spells??2E 64ED
125Maximum Black Spells??2E 677D
126Maximum Wizard Spells??2E 675D
127Counter Attack??2D AD8D
128Weapon Equipped??2F AD5D
129Armor Code 1??2F AF7D
130Armor Code 2??2F AF5D
131Armor Code 3??2F AF8D
132Armor Code 4??2F AFED
133Have White & Black Spells??2F A47D
134Have Wizard Spells??2F-A45D
135Attack??24 A77D
136Defense??24 A75D
137Speed??24 A78D
138Magic Power??24 A7ED
139Magic Power??24 A7ED
Reuben (1st Time)
140Level??2D 6D7D
141Exp (L)??2D 6D5D
142Exp (M)??2D 6D8D
143Exp (H)??2D 6DED
144Current Hp (L)??2D 6F7D
145Current Hp (H)??2D 6F5D
146Max Hp (L)??2D 6F8D
147Max Hp (H)??2D 6FED
148Current White Spells??2D 647D
149Current Black Spells??2D 645D
150Current Wizard Spells??2D 648D
151Maximum White Spells??2D 64ED
152Maximum Black Spells??2D 677D
153Maximum Wizard Spells??2D 675D
154Counter Attack??2F 6D8D
155Weapon Equipped??24 6D5D
156Armor Code 1??24 6F7D
157Armor Code 2??24 6F5D
158Armor Code 3??24 6F8D
159Armor Code 4??24 6FED
160Have White & Black Spells??24 647D
161Have Wizard Spells??24 645D
162Attack??27 677D
163Defense??27 675D
164Speed??27 678D
165Magic Power??27 67ED
166Magic Power??27 67ED
Reuben (2nd Time)
167Level??20 AD7D
168Exp (L)??20 AD5D
169Exp (M)??20 AD8D
170Exp (H)??20 ADED
171Current Hp (L)??20 AF7D
172Current Hp (H)??20 AF5D
173Max Hp (L)??20 AF8D
174Max Hp (H)??20 AFED
175Current White Spells??20 A47D
176Current Black Spells??20 A45D
177Current Wizard Spells??20 A48D
178Maximum White Spells??20 A4ED
179Maximum Black Spells??20 A77D
180Maximum Wizard Spells??20 A75D
181Counter Attack??29 AD8D
182Weapon Equipped??21 AD5D
183Armor Code 1??21 AF7D
184Armor Code 2??21 AF5D
185Armor Code 3??21 AF8D
186Armor Code 4??21 AFED
187Have White & Black Spells??21 A47D
188Have Wizard Spells??21 A45D
189Attack??25 A77D
190Defense??25 A75D
191Speed??25 A78D
192Magic Power??25 A7ED
193Magic Power??25 A7ED
Tristam (1st Time)
194Level??21 0D7D
195Exp (L)??21 0D5D
196Exp (M)??21 0D8D
197Exp (H)??21 0DED
198Current Hp (L)??21 0F7D
199Current Hp (H)??21 0F5D
200Max Hp (L)??21 0F8D
201Max Hp (H)??21 0FED
202Current White Spells??21 047D
203Current Black Spells??21 045D
204Current Wizard Spells??21 048D
205Maximum White Spells??21 04ED
206Maximum Black Spells??21 077D
207Maximum Wizard Spells??21 075D
208Counter Attack??25 0D8D
209Weapon Equipped??26 0D5D
210Armor Code 1??26 0F7D
211Armor Code 2??26 0F5D
212Armor Code 3??26 0F8D
213Armor Code 4??26 0FED
214Have White & Black Spells??26 047D
215Have Wizard Spells??26 045D
216Attack??2B 077D
217Defense??2B 075D
218Speed??2B 078D
219Magic Power??2B 07ED
220Magic Power??2B 07ED
221Magic Power??2B 07ED
Tristam (2nd Time)
222Level??2C 6D7D
223Exp (L)??2C 6D5D
224Exp (M)??2C 6D8D
225Exp (H)??2C 6DED
226Current Hp (L)??2C 6F7D
227Current Hp (H)??2C 6F5D
228Max Hp (L)??2C 6F8D
229Max Hp (H)??2C 6FED
230Current White Spells??2C 647D
231Current Black Spells??2C 645D
232Current Wizard Spells??2C 648D
233Maximum White Spells??2C 64ED
234Maximum Black Spells??2C 677D
235Maximum Wizard Spells??2C 675D
236Counter Attack??28 6D8D
237Weapon Equipped??2A 6D5D
238Armor Code 1??2A 6F7D
239Armor Code 2??2A 6F5D
240Armor Code 3??2A 6F8D
241Armor Code 4??2A 6FED
242Have White & Black Spells??2A 647D
243Have Wizard Spells??2A 645D
244Attack??22 677D
245Defense??22 675D
246Speed??22 678D
247Magic Power??22 67ED

1These are codes to modify character stats
when they join you. You can enter the codes right before you get
the character. The main character codes must be used before the start
of a new game.

Most of the codes that modify numerical stats like EXP and HP can be
any number you want. Note that they may take one battle to go into
effect. The counter attack code will inflict a chosen status ailment
on the enemy when they attack you if they are not strong against it.
For the armor modifier codes, varying what you put for the '??' can
change what you get for armor, putting 'DD' will start you with no
armor. HP can be set to any number up to 65,535 and it will stay
that way! Be careful though, because if it goes over that, it will
start counting over from zero if you gain a level...the same goes
for the other stats if they go over 255.

OK, one more thing...changing the values for the codes marked (L)
affect the lower byte, which means changing this will change from
0-255 only, Codes marked with an (M) (EXP codes only) and all other
codes marked with (H) will change in increments of 255, so putting
'DF' would be 256 and putting 'D4' would be 510, and so on... And for
EXP codes marked with (H) would cause change in increments of

4D: Steel Sword 47: Axe 43: Ninja Stars
49: Giant's Axe 42: Bow of Grace 4A: Morning Star
41: Cat Claw

You can start with non-weapon items, but using them in battle
may cause the game to freeze.

Counter Attacks

I have seemed to *misplaced* my list for these I will
need to start over, but I hope to have some values for this soon.

storm@planetstorm.net1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247