
Final Fantasy III

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
Modifier Quantity Digits
2Who Can Equip Modifiers2N/A
3Status Bonus Modifier Values3N/A
4Magic Def. And Defense Modifier Values4N/A
5Elemental Modifiers5N/A
6Spell Modifiers6N/A
7Learn Rate Modifiers7N/A
8Who Can Equip It (#1)??96 8514
9Who Can Equip It (#2)??96 85C4
10Spell Learn Rate??96 8534
11Spell Taught??9B 8044
1250% Damage??9B 8134
13Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??9B 8544
14Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??9B 8514
15Defense??9C 8044
16Magic Defense??9C 8014
17Absorb Hp??9C 80C4
18No Effect??9C 8034
19Weak Point??9C 8944
20Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9C 89C4
21Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9C 89C4
Heavy Shld
22Who Can Equip It (#1)??9C 8134
23Who Can Equip It (#2)??9C 8544
24Spell Learn Rate??9C 8514
25Spell Taught??9C 85C4
2650% Damage??98 8114
27Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??98 81C4
28Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??98 8134
29Defense??98 85C4
30Magic Defense??98 8534
31Absorb Hp??9A 8044
32No Effect??9A 8014
33Weak Point??9A 80C4
34Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9A 8944
35Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9A 8944
Mithril Shld
36Who Can Equip It (#1)??9A 8114
37Who Can Equip It (#2)??9A 81C4
38Spell Learn Rate??9A 8134
39Spell Taught??9A 8544
4050% Damage??92 8934
41Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??92 8144
42Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??92 8114
43Defense??92 8544
44Magic Defense??92 8514
45Absorb Hp??92 85C4
46No Effect??92 8534
47Weak Point??93 8044
48Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??93 80C4
49Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??93 80C4
Gold Shld
50Who Can Equip It (#1)??93 8934
51Who Can Equip It (#2)??93 8144
52Spell Learn Rate??93 8114
53Spell Taught??93 81C4
5450% Damage??9E 8914
55Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??9E 89C4
56Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??9E 8934
57Defense??9E 81C4
58Magic Defense??9E 8134
59Absorb Hp??9E 8544
60No Effect??9E 8514
61Weak Point??9E 85C4
62Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9D E044
63Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9D E044
Aegis Shld
64Who Can Equip It (#1)??9D E914
65Who Can Equip It (#2)??9D E9C4
66Spell Learn Rate??9D E934
67Spell Taught??9D E144
6850% Damage??9F E034
69Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??9F E944
70Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??9F E914
71Defense??9F E144
72Magic Defense??9F E114
73Absorb Hp??9F E1C4
74No Effect??9F E134
75Weak Point??9F E544
76Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9F E5C4
77Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9F E5C4
Diamond Shld
78Who Can Equip It (#1)??94 E034
79Who Can Equip It (#2)??94 E944
80Spell Learn Rate??94 E914
81Spell Taught??94 E9C4
8250% Damage??97 E014
83Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??97 E0C4
84Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??97 E034
85Defense??97 E9C4
86Magic Defense??97 E934
87Absorb Hp??97 E144
88No Effect??97 E114
89Weak Point??97 E1C4
90Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??97 E544
91Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??97 E544
Flame Shld
92Who Can Equip It (#1)??90 E014
93Who Can Equip It (#2)??90 E0C4
94Spell Learn Rate??90 E034
95Spell Taught??90 E944
9650% Damage??90 E534
97Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??99 E044
98Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??99 E014
99Defense??99 E944
100Magic Defense??99 E914
101Absorb Hp??99 E9C4
102No Effect??99 E934
103Weak Point??99 E144
104Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??99 E1C4
105Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??99 E1C4
Ice Shld
106Who Can Equip It (#1)??99 E534
107Who Can Equip It (#2)??91 E044
108Spell Learn Rate??91 E014
109Spell Taught??91 E0C4
11050% Damage??91 E514
111Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??91 E5C4
112Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??91 E534
113Defense??95 E0C4
114Magic Defense??95 E034
115Absorb Hp??95 E944
116No Effect??95 E914
117Weak Point??95 E9C4
118Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??95 E144
119Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??95 E144
Thunder Shld
120Who Can Equip It (#1)??95 E514
121Who Can Equip It (#2)??95 E5C4
122Spell Learn Rate??95 E534
123Spell Taught??96 E044
12450% Damage??96 E134
125Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??96 E544
126Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??96 E514
127Defense??9B E044
128Magic Defense??9B E014
129Absorb Hp??9B E0C4
130No Effect??9B E034
131Weak Point??9B E944
132Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9B E9C4
133Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9B E9C4
Crystal Shld
134Who Can Equip It (#1)??9B E134
135Who Can Equip It (#2)??9B E544
136Spell Learn Rate??9B E514
137Spell Taught??9B E5C4
13850% Damage??9C E114
139Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??9C E1C4
140Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??9C E134
141Defense??9C E5C4
142Magic Defense??9C E534
143Absorb Hp??98 E044
144No Effect??98 E014
145Weak Point??98 E0C4
146Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??98 E944
147Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??98 E944
Genji Shld
148Who Can Equip It (#1)??98 E114
149Who Can Equip It (#2)??98 E1C4
150Spell Learn Rate??98 E134
151Spell Taught??98 E544
15250% Damage??9A E934
153Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??9A E144
154Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??9A E114
155Defense??9A E544
156Magic Defense??9A E514
157Absorb Hp??9A E5C4
158No Effect??9A E534
159Weak Point??92 E044
160Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??92 E0C4
161Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??92 E0C4
Tortoise Shld
162Who Can Equip It (#1)??92 E934
163Who Can Equip It (#2)??92 E144
164Spell Learn Rate??92 E114
165Spell Taught??92 E1C4
16650% Damage??93 E914
167Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??93 E9C4
168Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??93 E934
169Defense??93 E1C4
170Magic Defense??93 E134
171Absorb Hp??93 E544
172No Effect??93 E514
173Weak Point??93 E5C4
174Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9E E044
175Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9E E044
Cursed Shld
176Who Can Equip It (#1)??9E E914
177Who Can Equip It (#2)??9E E9C4
178Spell Learn Rate??9E E934
179Spell Taught??9E E144
18050% Damage??9D 7037
181Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??9D 7947
182Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??9D 7917
183Defense??9D 7147
184Magic Defense??9D 7117
185Absorb Hp??9D 71C7
186No Effect??9D 7137
187Weak Point??9D 7547
188Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9D 75C7
189Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??9D 75C7
Paladin Shld
190Who Can Equip It (#1)??9F 7037
191Who Can Equip It (#2)??9F 7947
192Spell Learn Rate??9F 7917
193Spell Taught??9F 79C7
19450% Damage??94 7017
195Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??94 70C7
196Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??94 7037
197Defense??94 79C7
198Magic Defense??94 7937
199Absorb Hp??94 7147
200No Effect??94 7117
201Weak Point??94 71C7
202Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??94 7547
203Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??94 7547
Force Shld
204Who Can Equip It (#1)??97 7017
205Who Can Equip It (#2)??97 70C7
206Spell Learn Rate??97 7037
207Spell Taught??97 7947
20850% Damage??97 7537
209Speed (1st Letter), Vigor (2nd Letter)??90 7047
210Mag.pwr (1st Letter), Stamina (2nd Letter)??90 7017
211Defense??90 7947
212Magic Defense??90 7917
213Absorb Hp??90 79C7
214No Effect??90 7937
215Weak Point??90 7147
216Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??90 71C7
217Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??90 71C7
218Magic Block (1st Letter), Evade (2nd Letter)??90 71C7

1You will find that my codes will allow you to change
various aspects of your party's equipment such as stat bonuses, attack and
defense power, spells taught by each piece of armor, who can equip, and what
elements it can absorb. Probably the hardest part on making these codes is
finding out what the '??' for each code do. Now you can learn magic spells
without espers, change defense to take less damage...

Please read all information before using the codes.

If the codes don't work on your game, you probably have a different
version of FF3, Game Genie, or SNES control deck. This is due to either
Nintendo fixing bugs in the games or to hinder Galoob from finding more
codes. Try changing the third letter of the code.


Each piece of armor in the game has 32 codes associated with it, although
I only have found out what 13 do. I am still trying to figure out the
unknowns. In this section, I will explain what each slot does, although
most slots are self explanatory.

1. Who can equip it (#1) & Who can equip it (#2)

These two codes allow you to change who can equip each piece of equipment.
Putting 'EE' for both of the codes will allow everyone to equip it, as
putting 'DD' for each will allow no one to equip it. For variations, see
the modifier values below.

2. Spell Taught & Spell Learn Rate

These two codes will allow you to give the armor a magic spell that you can
learn, and the learn rate. The learn rate can be anything, for magic spells,
see the modifier value list below.

3. Elemental Attributes: Absorb HP, Weak Point, No Effect, 50% Damage

You can modify the elemental attributes of the equipment with these codes.
Putting 'EE' will make all elements effective for that code (not all of
them show up, but they are still in effect). Putting 'DD' will disable

4. Stat Bonuses: Vigor, Stamina, Speed, Mag.Pwr

These can range from -7 to +7 only, only the one letter of each code
affect each one. So that means Speed and Vigor use one code, and Mag.Pwr
and Stamina use one code.

5. Defense and Magic Defense

These can be any value from 0 to 255.

6. Magic Block and Evade

These can range from 0% to 50% only. Like the stat codes, these use only
one code.
2-- Code: Who can equip it (#1)

First Letter

D: (no one)
F: Edgar
4: Sabin
7: Edgar, Sabin
0: Celes
9: Edgar, Celes
1: Sabin, Celes
5: Edgar, Sabin, Celes
6: Strago
B: Edgar, Strago
C: Sabin, Strago
8: Edgar, Sabin, Strago
A: Celes, Strago
2: Edgar, Celes, Strago
3: Sabin, Celes, Strago
E: Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Strago

Second Letter

D: (no one)
F: Terra
4: Locke
7: Terra, Locke
0: Cyan
9: Terra, Cyan
1: Locke, Cyan
5: Terra, Locke, Cyan
6: Shadow
B: Terra, Shadow
C: Locke, Shadow
8: Terra, Locke, Shadow
A: Cyan, Shadow
2: Terra, Cyan, Shadow
3: Locke, Cyan, Shadow
E: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Shadow

-- Code: Who can equip it (#2)

First Letter

D: (no one)
F: Gogo
4: Umaro
7: Gogo, Umaro
0: Effective only if an Imp
9: Gogo, Effective only if an Imp
1: Umaro, Effective only if an Imp
5: Gogo, Umaro, Effective only if an Imp
6: Gogo (used if Gogo CAN'T normally use it)
B: Gogo, ??? (this is what is used if Gogo can normally use it)
C: Umaro, ???
8: Gogo, Umaro, ???
A: Effective only if an Imp, ???
2: Gogo, Effective only if an Imp, ???
3: Umaro, Effective only if an Imp, ???
E: Gogo, Umaro, Effective only if an Imp, ???

(Remember, Umaro can't equip anything besides Relics)

Second Letter

D: (no one)
F: Relm
4: Setzer
7: Relm, Setzer
0: Mog
9: Relm, Mog
1: Setzer, Mog
5: Relm, Setzer, Mog
6: Gau
B: Relm, Gau
C: Setzer, Gau
8: Relm, Setzer, Gau
A: Mog, Gau
2: Relm, Mog, Gau
3: Setzer, Mog, Gau
E: Relm, Setzer, Mog, Gau
3D: 0 6: 0
F: +1 B: -1
4: +2 C: -2
7: +3 8: -3
0: +4 A: -4
9: +5 2: -5
1: +6 3: -6
5: +7 E: -7
4D: 0% 6: -30%
F: 10% B: -40%
4: 20% C: -50%
7: 30% 8: Sets stat to 0
0: 40% A: Sets stat to 255
9: 50% 2: Sets stat to 255
1: -10% 3: Sets stat to 255
5: -20% E: Sets stat to 255
5First Letter

D: (none)
F: Wind
4: Pearl
7: Wind, Pearl
0: Earth
9: Wind, Earth
1: Pearl, Earth
5: Wind, Pearl, Earth
6: Water
B: Wind, Water
C: Pearl, Water
8: Wind, Pearl, Water
A: Earth, Water
2: Wind, Earth, Water
3: Pearl, Earth, Water
E: Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water

Second Letter

D: (none)
F: Fire
4: Ice
7: Fire, Ice
0: Lightning
9: Fire, Lightning
1: Ice, Lightning
5: Fire, Ice, Lightning
6: Poison
B: Fire, Poison
C: Ice, Poison
8: Fire, Ice, Poison
A: Lightning, Poison
2: Fire, Lightning, Poison
3: Ice, Lightning, Poison
E: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison
6==Black Magic== F4: X-Zone 40: Reflect
DD: Fire F7: Meteor 49: Shell
DF: Ice F0: Ultima 41: Vanish
D4: Bolt F9: Quake 45: Haste 2
D7: Poison F1: W Wind 46: Slow 2
D0: Drain F5: Merton 4B: Osmose
D9: Fire 2 ==Effect Magic== 4C: Warp
D1: Ice 2 F6: Scan 48: Quick
D5: Bolt 2 FB: Slow 4A: Dispel
D6: Bio FC: Rasp ==White Magic==
DB: Fire 3 F8: Mute 42: Cure
DC: Ice 3 FA: Safe 43: Cure 2
D8: Bolt 3 F2: Sleep 4E: Cure 3
DA: Break F3: Muddle 7D: Life
D2: Doom FE: Haste 7F: Life 2
D3: Pearl 4D: Stop 74: Antdot
DE: Flare 4F: Bserk 77: Remedy
FD: Demi 44: Float 70: Regen
FF: Quarter 47: Imp 79: Life 3
7D9: x5 FB: x25
DC: x10 74: x50
F0: x20

(these can actually be anything you want, these are just some
quick ones that might be useful)

storm@planetstorm.net1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218