
Breath of Fire 2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Important Note1N/A
28.0??6C E4F9
3Ag-down??6B 84F9
4Ag-up??67 84F9
5Angel??6A E4F9
6Atk-up??60 84F9
7Bolt X??61 E4F9
8Bomb??66 E4F9
9Boombada??6D E4F9
10Cold??64 E4F9
11Cure 1??64 54F9
12Cure 2??63 E4F9
13Cure 3??6D 54F9
14Cure 4??6C 54F9
15Cure X??68 54F9
16Curepsn??67 54F9
17Death??62 E4F9
18Def-down??66 84F9
19Def-up??64 84F9
20Def-upx??6F 84F9
21Drain??69 54F9
22Exit??63 84F9
23Fireball??61 54F9
24Firedrgn??64 74F1
25Firpuppy??6E E4F9
26Flame??6F E4F9
27Thunder??69 E4F9
28Timewarp??6E 84F9
29T-drgn??60 74F1
30Spark??6B 54F9
31Sap??68 84F9
32Smoke??6A 84F9
33Shield??69 84F9
34S-boom??6F 54F9
35Renew X??63 54F9
36Renew??62 54F9
37Pwr-down??6C 84F9
38Missile??6B E4F9
39Idle??61 84F9
40Freeze??67 E4F9
41Icepuppy??6D 74F1
42Icedrgn??67 74F1
43Hush??65 84F9
44Heal??6A 54F9
45Hail??60 E4F9
46G-drgn??69 74F1
47G-drgn??61 74F1
48Tornado??65 E4F9
49T-puppy??6F 74F1
50Typhoon??60 54F9
51Warp??62 84F9
52Warp??62 84F9
Enemy Spells
53Chopchop2??64 54F1
54Coldbrth??6F 54F1
55Curse??6E 74F1
56Dice??67 54F1
57Firebrth??6D 54F1
58Grndbeef??60 54F1
59Horror??69 54F1
60Psn-atck??68 74F1
61Psn-brth??6A 74F1
62Psn-chop??61 54F1
63Rotbrth??68 E4F9
64Swtbrth??63 74F1
65Zombie??65 74F1

1The codes in this guide allow you to change the AP cost for the spells in Breath of Fire 2.

Please read all information before using the codes.

If the codes don't work on your game, you probably have a different
version of BoF2, Game Genie, or SNES control deck. This is due to either
Nintendo fixing bugs in the games or to hinder Galoob from finding more
codes. Try changing the third letter of the code.

The codes below allow you to change the AP cost for magic spells in
the game. To make the spells cost 0 AP, put 'DD' as the first two
letters. For a full list of values, please see my Game Genie values
list. Remember that the spell cost will now affect everybody including
enemies, so if you set it to 0, be sure that you are careful of
enemies that might cast a strong spell on your party.
2To make the game a little easier for you, try putting 'EE' for the
first two letters for the codes below. It will keep most enemies from
using their special attack!

storm@planetstorm.net2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65