
Tetris (Elorg Version)

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Delayed Auto-Fall1TVLOVA

1This code briefly "freezes" each block at the top of the screen, giving you more time to decide where to place it. This code only works on level 9 or higher. The block is not completely "frozen" in place; you can still make the block begin its descent by pressing down on the D-pad. You can also move each block left and right, while it is "frozen" at the top of the screen.

This code dramatically changes the way the game is played: it basically slows the game down, so that you don't have to worry about panicking as the game dumps block after block on you at ever-increasing speeds. With this code, you can easily attain line totals in excess of 200, or even 300 or more! I've even maxed out the score at 999,999 points with this code!
