
Dick Tracy

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite Hand Gun BulletsSZXZEOVK
2More Super Punches On Pick-UpGOEPIOZA
3Infinite Super PunchesSZKZIXVK
4Infinite EnergyGXVOINSV
5Take More DamageAOVOGNAU
6Infinite Machine Gun BulletsSXVXZEVK
7Infinite Tear GasSZEXIXVK
8Mega-Jumping Dick TracyKYVZAANY
9Enemy Fire Is Off The Mark In Rooms1EEISSS
10Dick Has Gone Into Outer Space!KUZEAK
11Messes Up Background When Entering A RoomANAZON

1Slow motion at some points. If Tracy enters an empty room he disappears. Get more of a particular item. Messes up some exits.

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Daniel T9, 10, 11