
Xenon 2

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite EnergyFA4-16D-4C1
2Start With Very Little Energy013-08F-A22
3Start With 1/3 Energy053-08F-A22
4Start With 1/2 Energy093-08F-A22
5Start With 2,222,222 Points002-04F-5D4
6Start With 1 Life011-75C-F7E
7Start With 5 Lives051-75C-F7E
8Start With 10 Lives0A1-75C-F7E
9Infinite LivesFA2-EBF-4C1
10When You Die You Get An Awesome Ship (For A While)002-F4F-5D4
11Purchases At Shop Are FreeC96-DBC-6EE

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11