
Total Carnage

WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites!
1Infinite GrenadesFA2-28D-4C1
2Infinite Lives001-ADD-19E
3Start With Very Little Energy (After 1st Life)021-B1D-F72
4Start With Mega Energy (After 1st Life)991-B1D-F72
5Don't Take Damage From Some Enemies (After Getting Hit)003-55E-19E
6Start With Very Little Energy (1st Life)020-54B-F72
7Start With Mega Energy (1st Life)990-54B-F72
8Start With 1 Life000-4FB-E66
9Start With 9 Lives080-4FB-E66
10Start With 15 Lives0F0-4FB-E66
11Start With 33 Grenades030-5FB-E6A

Galoob1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11