Ranting & Raving

Fuck Holiday Shopping 11/29/13

It's beginning to look a lot like FUCK THIS! Tis the season to get fucked in the ass by retailers online and offline.

I think Microsoft is trying to compete with the health care site for worst website ever. Funny how Amazon can have 10 times the inventory on lightning deals and shit all day long and mostly work fine, but Microsoft can't even sell a few Xbox games and bullshit tablets. MICROSOFT! The biggest fucking software company in history can't write a fucking website that works! You can't even email their customer service! That's right. MICROSOFT DOESN'T HAVE EMAIL!!!! Seriously!? They keep chirping about the "infinite power of the cloud." Maybe they should host their fucking website on it so it won't be unusable for hours when the deals go live.

NewEgg kind of failed in the deals department this year, but their site works, so I'll give them props for that. I'm really tired of seeing their marketplace shit though. There should be an option to opt out and only view shit sold by NewEgg itself. They also need to take their eco friendly packaging materials stick them. I miss packing pellets.

Best Buy is fuckin retarded both online and in store. You go in the store and the TV shows aren't just in alphabetical order. No, they're grouped by studio, so you have to look half a dozen differnet sections to find what the fuck you're looking for. Nobody keeps track of what studio releases what. Why would we give a flying fuck!? Then their fucking website is designed by morons that apparently never heard of browser cookies. I seriously can't refresh my wish list to see what prices have changed without logging back it every motherfucking time. I leave the pages open to save time. Having to type my password every couple hours really isn't saving me any time.

Amazon is doing alright, as usual, but one of their deals was seemingly broken for me. An Xbox game that was listed on the deal calender for 9:10am PST on Friday, never showed up on the lightning deals list itself. I followed other stuff to see what it'd go for. This game just wasn't there. The price never changed. Yet, I refreshed the deals calender around 9:15 and it said the deal had a little less than 2 hours left. WHAT THE FUCK? I email Amazon customer service and I get the run around from these fuckers that obviously don't speak english as a first language.

I'm getting tired of this shit. No matter where you shop online, it's the same shit. If you have a problem you have to go through customer service people that you can't understand on the phone or that don't fully comprehend your emails. I'm shopping at an American owned retailer, paying American sales tax with American money. I expect to deal fucking Americans when I have ordering issues!!! The fucking phone company is bad enough. Goddamn! You should not be allowed to outsource customer service. And people wonder why there's no fucking jobs anymore. Fuck factory work. Let the little Asian kids or whoever do it for $1/hour. I don't care. Problem is, they're not happy just saving money on labor for making shit. They're outsourcing everything customer service related, and they use cheap fuckin parts for everything so it doesn't work worth a shit! Seen all the reported issues with the new game consoles? I don't remember a failure rate on the N64 worth talking about. Do you? Things have gone to shit. Microsoft obviously outsourced their website hosting too. Probably outsourced the design itself, and that's why the fucker is so goddamn broken. The guys that wrote Gameshark Central when they were like 12 did better website programming than these fuckers!

You know the other problem with shopping online? All the big stores start their deals at midnight PACIFIC. Fuck your fucking timezone. Why the fuck does everyone to the east get fucked just because your corporate office is in California? Would it seriously be that bad to start 3 hours earlier, so EVERYONE can shop at a reasonable hour!? What the fuck!?

At least I didn't bother fighting my way through the mob of assholes at Walmart this year for $10 games. Holy shit. I went a couple years ago just to get one or two things that were $10. They handed out maps of what is where. Either the map was written by a retard, or the store was stocked by a whole group of them, because the shit wasn't right. It showed videogames in front of the electronics department. Makes sense, right? Sure, there were games...for fucking Wii. No PS3/Xbox stuff. No, the $10 games were at the opposite end of the fucking store. Brilliant! See if I trust their map and wait for them to take the 50 layers of shrink wrap off the fuckin pallets next time.

People are fuckin idiots too. What is it with these silly fuckers camping out for Black Friday? It takes a special kind of asshole to camp out for hours/day just to save $100 on a cheap shit brand TV, or a cheap shit PC. Have fun wasting your day, freezing your tits off, and fighting over a few bargains, shitheads. I'll do the research and buy something decent when the price drops. Hey, do the adult shops have black friday sales? If nothing else, the line outside one of those would probably be interesting. "So what are you shopping for? The 3 foot purple dildos or the half off bondage films?"

Then people online were whining about stores opening on Thanksgiving day cause it's a holiday. Fuck off. Why the hell did Thanksgiving become such an important religious holiday? I don't say grace. I don't even like fuckin turkey. The only reason we didn't smoke some pulled pork instead was my father was watching fuckin football. Fuck football too. Wasn't Thanksgiving started with the whole pilgrims and indians thing? Leave your fucking deity out of it. Fucking stores should stay open. It's a bullshit holiday with no real purpose. Christmas is okay. We get presents and shit on Christmas. Although, they should really change the name since they stole most of the customs from the Pagan celebration of winter solstice and other random religions anyway.

Why isn't anyone bitching about the Salvation Army people that have to freeze their ass off outside stores when there's plenty of room inside? It's fucking stupid, especially at Walmart/Sam's Club. Have you seen the size of their fucking entry room with the carts? The Salvation Army person could easily stand between the sets of doors going in and out where it's nice and warm all day. Nope. Store policy is to make them free their nuggets off for no fucking reason. SERIOUSLY!?!!?

by: Viper

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